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Why we disagree on what open-source AI should be Episode 25

Why we disagree on what open-source AI should be

· 08:57

Last minute title change from: The tech industry can't agree on what open-source AI means. That's the process.
How to read what multiple people mean by the word openness and see through the PR speak.
This is AI generated audio with Python and 11Labs.
Source code: https://github.com/natolambert/interconnects-tools
Original post: https://www.interconnects.ai/p/flavors-of-open-source-ai

0:00 The tech industry can't agree on what open-source AI means. That's the process.
2:45 1. Effective Accelerationists, Techno-Optimists, capitalists, etc.
3:39 2. Scientists, promoting understanding and transparency
5:16 3. Inclusion, public interest, and fighting concentration of power
6:19 4. Freedom advocates
7:25 Dissecting "openness"

Fig 1: https://huggingface.co/datasets/natolambert/interconnects-figures/resolve/main/openness/img_004.png


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